Chilling out, Magickin’ Relaxin’… Part 1

I’ve decided to use the first phase of Vitimus’ plan to reinvigorate my on again, off again meditation program. There are a couple of employees lounges at work where I can sit or lie down undisturbed.

Usually I either sit with my back straight against a wall, or lay flat in Savasana. I’ve experimented both with mantra and breath in the past. When I was in my teens and just learning about yoga and meditation, TM (Transcendental Meditation) ruled the scene. I never attended classes or joined the organization, but I found a mantra I liked, and tried to repeat it as I sat in the lotus position. While I never experienced the change in consciousness I felt I had been promised, it felt like I was doing something. And I had some vague sensations I took to be progress on the road to enlightenment. This period ended with a tib-fib fracture in a karate tournament. I was in a cast for four months, and lost my ability to sit in the lotus position. Thus ended my yoga and meditation practice. Apparently I needed the Orientalist “authenticity” of padmasana.

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